Bringing courts, police and emergency services together into a single resilient precinct

Te Omeka Christchurch Justice & Emergency Services Precinct

The CJESP is the first project in New Zealand (and one of the first in the world) to bring together courts, police, and emergency response into one location. Through the application of human-centred design thinking, the precinct delivers on its objectives to inspire trust, transparency, confidence and collaboration.
Ngāi Tūāhuriri are proud of the elements depicted and the visual representation of our history, art and traditions. We encourage people to visit Te Omeka for the pure experience of viewing the artwork and understanding better the role we each have to play in the rebuild process.
Dr. Te Maire Tau - Director Ngāi Tahu Research Centre at the University of Canterbury

Collective Effort

Collective Effort

Nick Warring
Peter Marshall
Consulting Principal
Simon Laurie
Senior Associate
James Morgan
Associate Principal
Edwin Ipsen
Associate Principal
Matt Body
Senior Associate

Project Team

Lily Bonnington
2019 Australia Institute of Architects - International Chapter - Public - Commendation 2018 New Zealand Institute of Architects Award - Interior Architecture 2018 Designers Institute of New Zealand Best Awards - Gold Pin, Public and Institutional Spaces 2018 Designers Institute of New Zealand Best Awards - Gold Pin, Ngā Aho 2018 Property Council New Zealand Awards - Civic and Arts - Excellence 2018 NZIA Canterbury Architecture Awards - Public Award 2018 NZIA Canterbury Architecture Awards - Interior Award
