Chapman Tripp’s workplace is a bold step forward for one of New Zealand's most successful law firms

Chapman Tripp

Chapman Tripp is home to some of the sharpest and most insightful minds in the market. Working together closely to develop their future property strategy resulted in a contemporary and crafted workplace that promotes collaboration and connection with both clients and staff.
This made-to-measure office creates a lasting first impression. All surfaces are exquisite, with no expense spared for aged brass, bespoke terrazzo and fluted glass. This rigour carries through to the working areas over three floors, where wood-lined partner offices have been replaced by an open-plan apprentice model.
NZIA Architecture Awards Jury

Collective Effort

Collective Effort

Scott Compton
Head of Design, Principal
Daniel Kempka
Senior Associate
Asha Page
Kate Henderson
Associate Principal
2021 Designers Institute of New Zealand Best Awards — Silver Pin 2021 NZIA Auckland Architecture Award — Interior
