A contemporary revitalisation of a city’s cultural centrepiece, future proofed for generations to come

Sarjeant Gallery Te Whare o Rehua

Located in the heart of Whanganui city, the Sarjeant Gallery holds a permanent collection of more than 8,300 artworks of significance, spanning 400 years of international and New Zealand art history. With an ongoing programme of exhibitions and events, the gallery is an important community hub with a significant cultural legacy. Warren and Mahoney have been on an almost 30-year journey to revitalise the gallery and it's now recognised on the “Best Cultural Spots” list by National Geographic.
As the creative spirit of New Zealand and Māori art traditions look both to the past and to the future, the new Sarjeant Gallery references its history and its context; the land, the river, and the sea as a continuum, linking our origins and our destinies.
The strengthening and restoration of this beautiful heritage building, its extension with a new wing dedicated to Sir Te Atawhai Archie John Taiaroa is a project that will affect our community and region and we hope, will bring joy and inspiration to everyone that visits it.
Andrew Clifford - Director Sarjeant Gallery
We wanted to give travellers more ideas than ever before to jumpstart their travel planning for 2024 and beyond, so we grew our lists to include curated hotels, restaurants, wellness retreats and cultural spots, like the Sarjeant Gallery, that we believe are worth getting on a plane for.
National Geographic

Collective Effort

Collective Effort

Ralph Roberts
Cliff Leong
Senior Associate
Jake Nash
Senior Associate
Bren Morrison
Consulting Principal
Patrick Cetoupe
Senior Associate
