A source of community identity and pride

Te Whitinga, Hendon Bridge

Hendon Footbridge Te Whitinga, which means ‘the crossing’, is an integral part of the Waterview Connection project – the largest infrastructure project the country had ever undertaken. A strong focus on preserving local history and reflecting landscape and culture has resulted in a deeply humane piece of legacy infrastructure.
Described as “a model of how to consult and carry on”, the project places people, not cars, at the design’s heart.
Warren and Mahoney made the community the client. They didn’t just design a motorway, they designed something that would knit our community back together.
Margi Watson - Local Councillor and Resident

Collective Effort

Collective Effort

Tom Locke
Head of Design, Principal
Chris Brown
Associate Principal
2019 Chicago Athenaeum/The European Centre for Architecture Art Design and Urban Studies — International Award 2019 Los Angeles Business Council Tripartite Award 2018 DINZ Best Awards — Purple Pin, Built Environment and Gold Pin, Built Environment 2018 NZIA National Architecture Awards — Planning and Urban Design 2016 NZTA GEM Awards — Connecting with the Community, Best in Category 2016 NZTA GEM Awards — Supreme Award
