
Masters of Reinvention

April 10, 2024
Precinct Properties’ new workplace provides a transformational space for a transformational business. A workplace that provides both clients and staff an equitable at-work experience with a focus on personal and professional growth, care, collaboration and vibrancy.

The central persona of the ‘Protagonist’ is manifested in recognition of Precinct’s ability to see and shape cities differently. This persona enabled us to alter perspectives, amplify community, offer showcase, and escape. "Precinct’s place-making projects shape and transform our cities,” says WAM Senior Associate Daniel Kempka. “We’ve sought to reflect that vision and purpose creatively through this series of diverse and responsive workspaces.”

"What Warren and Mahoney has created here, is an ambitious, experiential workplace, with a focus on hosting and networking at its core," writes ArchitectureNow's Amanda Harkness. In this article, Amanda takes a tour of Precinct Properties’ revitalised head office, and finds a series of dramatically different elevations.

View the full article here.