
Legacy and innovation: 12 Madden receives highest recognition for commercial building in New Zealand

November 10, 2019
At the 2019 New Zealand Architecture Awards on Saturday 9 November, organised by Te Kāhui Whaihanga New Zealand Institute of Architects, the Sir Miles Warren Award for Commercial Architecture was presented to Warren and Mahoney’s 12 Madden project.

Warren and Mahoney worked with Panuku, Precinct Properties and Auckland Tourism, Events and Economic Development (ATEED) on the initial masterplan for Wynyard Quarter to realise an ambitious design-led vision for an Innovation Precinct. Located at the heart of Auckland’s Wynyard Quarter, 12 Madden represents the transformation of this area from ‘industry’ to ‘innovation’.

“12 Madden is an exemplary early manifestation of the intent of a masterplan that envisages a lively precinct of mixed-use buildings, both new and old, arranged around laneways providing connectivity and urban grain”, the judges said.

“As befits a building in an area quickly and self-consciously transitioning from industrial backwater to innovation hub, 12 Madden alludes to the past in its rugged materiality and looks to the future with its flexible and dynamic plan. The building makes a statement and sets a high architectural bar, with its highly articulated exterior, featuring thrusting cantilevers and generous terraces. Sophisticated form-making breaks render a big building compatible with its neighbourhood.”

Project Principal Blair Johnston says the team is thrilled to receive this coveted award, particularly among such strong competition.

“This is a proud and significant moment for Warren and Mahoney, Precinct Properties, Hawkins and the project team, and we are honoured to receive the Sir Miles Warren award.

The 12 Madden project was conceived from the outset as an enabler of the public realm – a building which can define and activate adjacent laneways, introducing a strong sense of human scale and an authentic character into a new part of Auckland city; it is a delight to see the delivery of these built outcomes for both our client and our community. Congratulations to Precinct Properties and the entire project team.”

View more about this project here.