
Designing a brave future

February 13, 2024
Warren and Mahoney’s unique approach to architecture at the intersection of culture, sustainability, and technology continues to deliver progressive projects that receive global recognition for helping to address society’s most important challenges.

For the second year in a row, Warren and Mahoney has been awarded a prestigious WAFX Award by the World Architecture Festival for the Alexandria Health Centre in Sydney. This recognition is awarded to projects that best use design and innovation to tackle major world issues including health, equality, climate change and reconciliation. In addition, this project was also winner of the WAF Future Project - Health Award at the festival held in Singapore.

Designed in collaboration with MAAP Architects, this project brings an overt focus on holistic wellbeing, supporting new models of care in clinical settings that prioritise open communication and the de-stigmatisation of mental health. The facility aims to aid in recovery and healing through clinical planning with a connection to nature and Country.

This recognition follows Warren and Mahoney being named in Fast Company’s 2023 Top 10 Most Innovative Architectural Practices worldwide, with the Fast Company judges noting leading capability "with the sensitivities of designing on the ancestral lands of Indigenous peoples".

Last year, Warren and Mahoney also won the 'Future Infrastructure Project' award at the World Architecture Festival and another WAFX award for the concept design of the $11 Billion North East Link project in Victoria. This project was co-designed in rich collaboration with BKK Architects, Taylor Cullity Lethlean and Greenaway Architects.

As the world’s first mass-infrastructure project designed to the International Indigenous Design Charter principles, these globally significant awards further highlight the potential of Indigenous co-design to inform and inspire better architecture and social outcomes.

Warren and Mahoney Head of Design, Blair Johnston, says the team is delighted to be recognised on the world stage for work that delivers impactful social change.

"Our focus extends beyond the boundaries of our projects, as we constantly explore new creative possibilities, responding to the essential purpose and context beyond the brief. These acknowledgments give us great pride and are testament to the impact of our design philosophy, which integrates culture, sustainability, and innovation.”